Revival of Drive-In Theater Boosts LED Display Business

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What do you call a car theater?

A drive-in theater or drive-in cinema is a form of cinema structure consisting of a large outdoor movie screen, a projection booth, a concession stand, and a large parking area for automobiles. Within this enclosed area, customers can view movies from the privacy and comfort of their cars.

How drive-in theaters work?

How does the drive-in work? First, visitors purchase an online electronic ticket to the selected movie and drive to the drive-in movie theatre. Second, they show their ticket to organizers before entering the area. Then they drive to a parking spot and stop their car at least two meters away from the last car. The movie's sound is broadcast over an FM radio frequency. To deliver the movie sound, spectators tune to a certain FM frequency of their car radio.

LED encapsulation

In 1933, Richard M.Holling Shead founded the world's first car theater in New Jersey, USA, which could accommodate 400 cars. This form of watching movies quickly became popular in North America. By the 1950s, there were at most 4000 car theaters in the United States.

Revival of Drive-In Theater Boosts LED Display Business

Drive-in movie theaters still offer a unique social and family friendly entertainment option that simply cannot be matched by today's indoor cinemas. Unlike projection solutions, LED display solutions have a superior brightness advantage that allows cinemas to be opened all day, not only at night. This results in better economic efficiency for cinema owners. The drive-in cinema owners can use rental displays for the display screen. Rental displays extend drive-in entertainment to drive-in concerts, drive-in night clubs, or any innovative drive-in event. Outdoor recreation could be more attracting supported by LED displays, bringing innovative opportunity for the LED display industry.

LED encapsulation

The LED outdoor full-color P10 display made by our company Premteco is used in car theaters. The P10 outdoor full-color LED screen is one of Premteco's best-selling products. The pixel pitch of this product is 10mm, the pixel density is 10000 dots/square meter, and the visual effect is very good. Our products have always pursued high quality and innovation, and we hope that products can meet customer needs. The LED screen built by Premteco in Thailand has the characteristics of moisture-proof, dust-proof, anti-corrosion, anti-static, and anti-lightning, which can quickly eliminate the problems that customers may encounter during use. The LED display screen was completed in June, and the display effect is outstanding, which has been praised and loved by the general public.

LED encapsulation

The use of LED displays to display movies is almost a complete subversion of the "projector" mode, and the audience experience has also been refreshed.

In Premteco Led, we have been offering LED displays for outdoor cinema and many other uses since 2003, serving the international market to more than 30 countries.


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