4 Good Times To Use An XR LED Display

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Extended reality, more commonly known as “XR”, is a technology that combines both virtual and real environments. The XR technology covers augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). In recent years, XR technology is widely used for entertainment purposes, including TV production, film production, and live event broadcasting.

In this article, we will discuss the 4 good times to use an XR LED display.

Good time 1: when time is limit

One of the good times to use an XR LED display is when your production has to deal with time limits.

Shooting certain scenes such as sunset and sunrise within a limited time window can be challenging. Even when you are shooting only during the daytime, there are big differences between morning and afternoon in terms of lighting.

Shooting in a studio with an XR LED display not only helps to solve the time limit but also shortens the time needed in getting the perfect lighting. The LED wall in a virtual production can provide accurate ambient lighting and reflections.

XR LED display

Good time 2: when there are multiple locations 

Another good time to use an XR LED display is when you have to shoot at multiple locations in a short time.

The LED wall is used to display virtual backgrounds. The virtual background is a real-time rendered background that is created using computer graphics. The photo-realistic virtual background can be changed easily anytime with just a few clicks. The team can choose to shoot at an Amazon rainforest in the morning and the Sahara desert in the evening.

This helps to reduce the need and the costs spent for on-location shoots. Besides, it also eliminates the inconvenience that can be caused by unpredictable weather conditions.

Good time 3: when there are dangerous locations 

Another good time to use an XR LED display is when you are shooting at dangerous locations.

Some projects require the production teams to film in some dangerous and extreme locations such as volcanoes, canyons, and deserts. Safety precautions need to be taken. Besides, costs will be increased greatly as more safety personnel need to be hired, and higher insurance expenses will be involved.

There are times when some custom-built sets are involved. Building these huge and futuristic sets can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, the production team can also choose to build the locations using 3D computer-generated graphics. Building a computer-generated location can also give the director a high level of flexibility in achieving the perfect look he desires. The computer-generated location can then be displayed via an XR LED screen.

XR LED display

Good time 4: when you need creative freedom 

Another good time to use an XR LED display is when the director or the creative team wants more creative freedom in achieving the most desirable result.

One of the most obvious outcomes of using an XR LED display is that the creative team is now able to use props and costumes of any colors on the set. When green or blue screens are used during the production, any costumes and props with the same hue as the background have to be avoided.

Besides, when the background is computer-generated and live-rendered, the director can always ask for creative changes or minor adjustments on the spot. The changes made can be reflected quickly on the LED wall. 

Using a live-rendered CG background can also make the shoot easier. Pre-visualizations are needed before a shoot when green screens are involved. No one can guarantee a perfect shot on the set. With a live-rendered XR LED display, the director can preview the shots in their almost final quality on set.


The combination of a live-action world and a virtual world is going to be a trend in both film and TV production. Virtual production using an XR LED display is more efficient than most traditional approaches. Let’s wait to see how XR LED display can shape the industry in the coming years. For more information about XR LED displays, please kindly contact us directly.


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